Celebrating 20 Years at Sheffield

We are delighted to celebrate the milestone of Raewyn Davey working with Sheffield South Island for 20 years.

Raewyn is a stalwart in the Christchurch Office. She works in the administration team and in her current role, processes our candidate applications and provides office support to other members of the team. She is always cheerful and ready to lend a hand. Raewyn is a valued member of our whanau and we congratulate her on such a big milestone.

When asked about reflecting on her time with Sheffield South Island, Raewyn comments “I can’t believe I have just reached my 20-year anniversary with Sheffield as the time has gone by very quickly.  I have worked in a number of admin roles within the office over that time and can say, hand on heart, that it has been a privilege to work with so many wonderful and talented people.  I have always been made to feel a valued employee within a very caring and supportive environment and where many memories have also been made at family milestones, team events and trips away.  I look forward to being part of the Sheffield South Island Team for some time to come.”


Thank you Raewyn, for all that you do and congratulations on your 20 years with us.

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