How leading organisations take culture to the next level

"In today's competitive business environment, creating a sense of belonging in the workplace is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, driving innovation, and boosting the bottom line. Read on for tips on how or get in touch to find out more from our Leadership Development team." - Steffan Brunner, Associate Director and Leadership Development Practice Lead



To weather constant disruption and the accelerating pace of change, organisations fight for top talent, drive innovation, and focus on culture. Now more than ever, organisations are taking notice of how that basic human need to belong is at the heart of why culture matters and the fact that culture impacts their bottom line. 

So why talk about belonging?
Belonging may be the key to retention, risk-taking, and engagement that launches an organisation past the competition.

In a recent article, AESC identifies 8 paths to belonging in the workplace:


A clear vision and sense of purpose
We know that human beings are inspired by building, they're not inspired by fixing. For most of us, we need to feel like we're building something in order to feel inspired.

Creating the container
(mission, vision, values, purpose, goals, articulate understandings, agreements, norms, rituals and rules): Knowing that there are clear rules that we're operating under gives people a greater sense of psychological safety.

Personal connection, vulnerability, and consciousness
Encourage people to connect personally and to get vulnerable with each other and be much more conscious about where they're coming from.

Inclusion and enrolment
We must broaden our acceptance of ideas, and broaden our sense of what's allowed in the organisation.

Cultivate open-minded thinking
We have to cultivate consciously open-minded thinking to really get out of our own way of thinking; saying to ourselves, ‘what if I was coming from that perspective?’

Develop shared structures and forms of communication
Are we communicating openly and transparently to people as much as possible? Do we have a shared sense of what's accurate?

Honouring narrative
Part of belonging is the art of sharing stories, where people feel known and can understand each other.

Tools for negotiation and conflict resolution
Establish an agreed upon method for decision-making, otherwise every conflict can become a threat to belonging.


Belonging connects an individual to the culture, and in the current global business environment, culture is key. 

Get in touch with our Leadership Development team to see how we can support your organisation. 


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Executive Search and Selection Find people with the best skills, who fit your work-culture and maximise the potential of your business.

Leadership DevelopmentEnsure you have the resilient leadership required today, and can support the leaders of tomorrow. 

Psychometric Assessments Gain insight into strengths and development needs at an individual, team and organisational level.

Career TransitionNavigate change through practical guidance and in-depth career planning assistance. 


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To learn more about how we can help you and your organisation, please contact us