Sheffield North Island Wānanga days

The Sheffield North Island offices recently gathered in Auckland for a workshop to support our continued learning of te ao Māori. 

We would like to thank our facilitator Raniera Albert, Tumu Whakarae, Managing Director of Kirikawa Consultants, and guest speaker Kerry Topp, founder of The Kerry Topp Collective for their invaluable contributions to a wonderful two days . 

These wānanga days brought us together, supported inspired learning and guided us on how we will move forward as a professional services firm. 

In the evening, we shared kai, providing the team with strong moments of connection and camaraderie.

Sheffield North Island's wānanga days were facilitated by Raniera Albert, Tumu Whakarae, Managing Director of Kirikawa Consultants.

Guest speaker Kerry Topp, founder of The Kerry Topp Collective.

Sheffield North Island and facilitator Raniera Albert at KOL Restaurant in Auckland. 

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