Women in Governance a Masterclass

On February 22nd Governance New Zealand hosted their Women on Boards Masterclass in Christchurch. Louise Green, GM Sheffield South Island was a guest speaker at this event. Jo Domigan attended after being selected as a guest of Sheffield, in a conversation with Jo, we asked her thoughts and reflections on the event and what value she took away from it.

Jo’s overall thoughts were that it was a well organised event with a great variety of speakers, all of whom brought something of value. The topics covered were on point and relevant.

Diversity and Inclusion consultant Jo Cribb was smart and wise giving great examples throughout her presentation.

Louise’s presentation complemented Jo’s and covered the ‘how to’ aspect of governance. With her credibility and experience in the field it was helpful to hear about how the recruitment governance process works, where to look for opportunities, creating a CV and leveraging your brand.

More importantly the day inspired Jo, empowered ‘in the moment’ she made contact with the Chair of her children’s school Board of Trustees offering her services.

Jo has since met with the Chair and the school Principal and is now on the Board. A fantastic example of taking action and having influence at a Board level.

We wish Jo all the best with her career in governance.

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